Polka Dot Plant Care: [Complete Beginner’s Guide]

If you want a vivid addition to your home garden, you might find it with the Polka Dot plant. Read more below for a beginner’s guide to caring for the Polka Dot plant.

A Polka Dot is a convenient plant to take care of, yet it tends to be tricky for beginners. For example, warm temperatures with ample humidity make for a blissful plant. It also requires regular watering outdoors unless your region has excellent precipitation.

This article looks at the different aspects of Polka Dot plant care, such as light, soil, and temperature. That way, beginners can raise these plants with ease in their homes.

polka dot leaf

What Is A Polka Dot Plant?

The Hypoestes phyllostachya, or Polka Dot plant, is a blooming plant local to South Africa and Madagascar. These regular houseplants are known for their leaves, spots, or freckles. The plant leaves come in various colors, like red, lavender, and purple — all covered with speckles.

Moreover, the green leaves are typical for these plants, which grow fine if they get indirect light. A small purple color flower blossoms at the end of a Polka Dot plant’s life cycle. Typical names for Polka Dot plants are spot face and pink speckled plants. You can typically find them in terrariums. The spotted leaves assist the polka with dotting the plant and stand out in an indoor plant collection.

Polka Dot Plant Varieties

There are hundreds of Polka Dot varieties all around the world. A couple of these are:

  • “Purpuriana” with purple leaves, as its name suggests.
  • “Camina” with a soft green bed with striking red Polka Dots.
  • “Mind” shows marbling on white foliage.
  • “Confetti” has maroon, white, rose, or red specks with green leaves.
  • “Pink Brocade” with green leaves and speckled pink dots.
  • “Splash” with different green hues and red, white, or pink spots.

Polka Dot Plant Care


Loamy, naturally rich soil with well-draining is the ideal choice for your Polka Dot plant. Add a touch of pumice or perlite to a quality, universally handy potting mix to ensure your plant drains appropriately. Preferably, the soil pH should measure somewhere from 5.6 to 6.5.


Open-air Polka Dot plants need an area with indirect shade. On the off chance that the sunlight is too brilliant, the fresh leaves can become limp. However, in an indoor environment, the Polka Dot likes to get a spot with ample bright yet indirect light. They adjust to dim conditions; however, they may lose some leaf diversification.


The plant’s soil bed should be tolerably moist always. Try not to permit the plant’s soil to dry out. Assuming moisture is low, leaves can wither. Be that as it may, the ground should not be too watery. A water-logged medium can seriously jeopardize your plant with root decay, which is frequently deadly.

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At the point when the soil dries a half-inch down, give your plant watering. Indoor plants need more recurrent watering than outdoor ones. Reduce the watering in the winter and do it again in the spring.


The Polka Dot prefers high humidity. Indoor humidity should plunge no lower than 50%. Use a space humidifier, rock, and water plate if your home or office does not give sufficient moisture. Set the plant over the water line on top of the container. The plate aids in making a microclimate with higher dampness as the water evaporates.

An option is to fill a repository with water and position it close to the plant. Different aids incorporate misting or gathering plants to make a characteristic cap of slight dampness. Increase dampness with a spray jug and mist your plant with water.

Water is best when it does not contain chemicals or lime like tap water. Misting water should be lukewarm. Also, consider growing your Polka Dot plant in the washroom, where it tends to be a brilliant and energetic collection to shower style.


Open-air Polka Dot plants incline toward temperatures from 70 to 80 F. Plant them in the spring once the last frost for your area has traveled every which way. Assuming you desire to overwinter, shift them indoors before the first winter.

Ensure you keep indoor Polka Dot plants from warming vents, radiators, and thermal vents. For warmed ground surfaces, raise your plants on a table or plant stand. Place them from doorways and hallways with standard drafts and low humidity.


The Polka Dot likes extra nutrients, so it does well with a month-to-month use of natural manure when raised indoors. Outdoors, use several inches of compost in the nursery soil.


The Polka Dots plant can generally become leggy as it ages. Prune stems back to a significantly shorter level. The plant can extend horizontally, giving it a lot of bushier appearance. Squeeze off the primary two leaves on stems weekly to discourage your plant from filling in level, as that can allow it to disperse.


You can repot more seasoned mature Polka Dot plants in the spring or summer once they have grown out of their containers.


Take care of the plant yearly if you live in a space with cold winters for outside gardeners of the Polka Dot plant. Ensure you keep them in containers and shift them indoors in the fall. They can’t survive temperatures beneath 60 F.

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To reproduce a Polka Dot plant, use seeds or take cuttings from the stem. Sow them in late winter if you are looking to grow these plants from seeds. Ensure you keep them in a warm and humid potting mix. After a couple of days, germination should start. New Polka Dot seedlings should be prepared for transplant into your outside garden bed in a couple of weeks.

Propagating with cuttings involves snipping off a stem section close to a leaf hub. Get a five-inch length from the parent plant and eliminate all foliage at the cut end. Plunge the cut end with establishing chemicals and put it straightforwardly into warm and moist soil. In seven days, the roots should start to sprout.

polka care plant


The Polk Dot is a non-harmful plant for horses, dogs, and cats. If ingested, they result in an upset stomach with nausea and potential looseness of the bowels. That plant is resistant to deer for those growing it outdoors.

Pests, Diseases, And Other Issues

The Polka Dot plant is vulnerable to aphids, mealybugs, spider mites, and other plant parasites. Leaves can discolor and include holes, or you might see bugs roaming on the plant. Spider mites leave slight webbing among the stems and leaves.

Get natural pesticides such as Neem oil for pest infestations in plants. While using Neem oil, shift the plant outdoors and spray it to stay away from vapors. Polka Dots grown indoors in an ideal environment are more in danger of pest infestations than those filled outdoors in legitimate ecological conditions. The plant’s foliage can show the plant’s general state of well-being.

  • Polka Dot plants having spots or limping leaves show extreme and direct light. They require brilliant light to maintain their color, but you should always use indirect light.
  • Yellowing leaves show overwatering.
  • Hanging leaves show underwatering and a dry medium.
  • Burnt or twisted leaves signal a lot of sun exposure. UV rays damage sensitive foliage.

Final Words

The Polka Dot is a gay, blissful plant in appearance that is easy to grow. It has lively colors and variations, so no two can make the same difference. The Polka Dot plant’s exceptional foliage can add tone and personality to your indoor or outside garden. So long as you learn to take care of it, it would be best if you were an excellent addition to your greenery collection. Happy gardening!