Black Pagoda Lipstick Plant: [Complete Care Guide]

The Black Pagoda lipstick plant is a delightful hanging houseplant with dazzling foliage. This post shares all you want to know to make your Black Pagoda lipstick plant flourish.

Putting a Black Pagoda in a container with free, properly draining soil and adding water when the soil is dry is crucial for its care. Keep a pleasant inside temperature range between 60F and 85F in an area with indirect light and high humidity.

This article discusses the various parts that involve caring for a Black Pagoda and how to handle each. From soil and water to pests and illnesses, any novice can deal with their Black Pagoda with this complete care guide.

lipstick plant

Black Pagoda Care Guide

All lipstick plants have their own specific needs to stay healthy. Here are the essential aspects to keeping a Black Pagoda plant healthy while maintaining its shiny green foliage:


A Black Pagoda can suffer from root decay, so make sure that your plant is dry before watering it. You can test the dampness in your dirt with a dampness meter and water your plant when the meter shows ‘dry.’

Alternatively, you can embed a stick into the soil and check for dampness. Assuming it is dry, now is the right time to water. One more method for telling when your Black Pagoda lipstick plant is ready for watering is to check how adaptable its leaves are. Knowing when your plant could use some water is a simple procedure.

Pick a more seasoned, mature leaf and carefully twist the leaf in reverse so that the tip pushes toward the stem. If the leaf doesn’t turn rapidly, a Black Pagoda doesn’t need watering. Assuming the leaf twists effectively and is adaptable enough for the tip to contact the stem, now is the right time to water your plant. Try not to pick a new leaf for the test because all new leaves are adaptable.

A Black Pagoda does best with distilled water, filtered water, or rainwater. Base watering allows your plant to absorb the amount of water it needs. Fill a holder (bigger than your plant pot) with distilled water, filtered water, or rainwater. Keep your plant pot in the container and allow it to sit for 10 minutes.

Then, take a look at the dirt. If the highest point of the earth doesn’t feel damp, allow the plant to stay in the water for an extra 20 minutes. Let it drain before putting your plant back on its plate, dish, or store pot.

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This tropical plant flourishes in bright, indirect light. Ideally, it should be placed by daylight from an east- or south-facing window to get the best growth. Northbound spaces are decent but not ideal. Your plant can drop leaves and sprout ineffectively in poor lighting.

Since your plant is defenseless to burning from the sun, stay away from areas that get over 2 hours of direct daylight. Counterfeit lighting is additionally helpful to lipstick plants. Use grow lights that offer a brightness of 500-1,000 FC.


One more great trait of the Black Pagoda plants is that they can flourish at room temperature. They thrive in different temperatures yet favor temperatures between 60F and 85F.

It is, nonetheless, sensitive to cold temperatures and can’t endure if temperatures decrease under 50F. If you suspect cold or winter stress, look for leaf drops. Additionally, it hates drafts and abrupt temperature changes. Put your plant away from drafty windows, cooling vents, and entrances.


Because of its low-upkeep nature, a Black Pagoda can endure dry air indoors. Nonetheless, like most tropical plants, it’ll see the value in higher humidity levels between 60 and 70%. The humidity creates more prominent, glossier foliage that grows quicker in its encompassing air.

Running internal heating during winter can bring about low humidity issues. Some side effects are leaf tip searing, poor growth, and damaged leaves. You can utilize the accompanying strategies to increase dampness around your Black Pagoda:

  • Bunch houseplants together to create humid microclimates
  •  Utilize a humidifier
  • Set up a dampness plate, complete with wet rocks
  • Misting consistently
  • Briefly move your plants to the kitchen or washroom


A Black Pagoda can get by without using a conventional soil medium as an epiphyte. It flourishes in a well-draining, free fertilizing medium with good humidity.

For example, sphagnum peat and coco noir, the most common soilless options, can get the job done. Integrate half sand, vermiculite, or perlite in a standard fertilizing blend.


It is wise to give the Black Pagoda fertilizer once per month throughout the spring and summer. These are the growing months and the primary time you ought to fertilize the plant during the year.

One more method for fertilizing your plant is to give it weakened fish emulsion each time you water it throughout the spring and summer. If you don’t have one yet, make an honest effort to get your hands on one.

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You can rapidly propagate Black Pagoda lipstick plants in soil from stem cuttings. Here is how to do it:

  1. Cut five-inch sections from healthy cuttings without sprouts.
  2. Remove practically all leaves except for a couple close to the tip.
  3. Dip the cut end in some growth hormone.
  4. Plant the cuttings into a wet, well-draining growing medium.
  5. Give adequate light and dampness – it should begin to grow in fourteen days.


These tropical plants don’t need frequent repotting. In any case, you should do so every two or three years or when it’s root-bound. Here is the way to repot your plant:

  • Cut any roots that are distending or congesting the pot.
  • Remove the Black Pagoda delicately.
  • Unravel the roots and wash away any remaining soil.
  • Utilize a clean-cutting device, and clip off any damaged or dead roots.
  • Add gardening soil to your new pot most of the way and transplant your plant. Plant the roots only 33% of the way into the pot.
  • Give ideal growing circumstances, striking light, and dampness.

close lipstick plant

Pruning and Managing

Prune and trim a Black Pagoda to prevent it from looking too messy. Utilize a good set of pruning shears. That encourages a bushier appearance with new growth.


Black Pagoda lipstick plants are, for the most part, resistant to pests. Be that as it may, keep an eye out for aphids, mealybugs, whiteflies, scale bugs, and other parasites. If present, we propose treating the plant with the following methods:

  • Wipe it down with alcohol-plunged Q-tips
  • Apply insecticidal cleanser, neem oil, or agricultural oil showers
  • Wash your plant with strong water streams outdoors
  • Utilize standard predators


Root decay, fine mold, botrytis scourge, and leaf spot illnesses ordinarily influence these tropical plants. You can prevent or treat them by

  • Trying not to wet foliage
  •  Keeping away from water systems and overwatering
  • Utilizing a fungicide splash, ideally copper-based or sulfur-based items

Final Words

The Black Pagoda Lipstick Plant is an exceptional lipstick plant with explicit prerequisites for its care. It can be tricky for some beginners to grow the plant and take care of any issues it faces. So long as you focus on the essential plant care aspects like light and water, you can expect a healthy sprouting Black Pagoda in your home.