African Bush Daisy (Euryops Chrysanthemoides): Plant Care & Growing Guide

The African Bush Daisy is a bright and vibrant plant, which is why it is so commonly used in floral arrangements. This plant can be grown by most people fairly easily. 

If you want beautiful flowers in your garden, this is an excellent option. You’ll no longer have to pay high prices at your local florist.

African Bush Daisy (Euryops Chrysanthemoides) Care & Growing Guide

1. Light Requirement

This plant should be grown in an area that receives full, direct sunlight throughout each day. It is possible to grow these plants in partial shade. This is incredibly important when it comes to the overall health of the plant. Keep in mind that it can be difficult to get thee plants to fully bloom in shady areas.

If you are going to grow these plants inside, you’ll want to put them in a room that receives lots of direct sunlight. It is best to keep the temperature inside your home fairly cool. When the temperature outside starts getting warmer, you’ll want to open the windows to encourage good air circulation.

2. Water

You will need to provide your African bush daisy with regular watering before it has become fully established. Afterwards, it still requires an inch or so of water every single week. These plants are capable of withstanding high temperatures and dry conditions for extended periods. 

The plant goes dormant under these conditions to ensure its long term survival. It is important that you avoid overwatering this plant, as it will lead root rot. If you aren’t sure whether or not you should water your plant, feel the top layer of soil. If the soil is completely dry, it needs a drink.

3. Climate

African bush daisies can be grown in USDA hardiness zones of 8 through 11. This plant does particularly well in warm areas that are very sunny. This is why it is a popular choice among those who live in California.

4. Soil

It is best to use a rich, well-draining soil that has a pH of 5 to 5.5. Add a little bit of sand to the soil to help with drainage. It is highly recommended that you also use some compost to prevent waterlogged roots. The compost will also provide the plant with many of the nutrients it needs to thrive.

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African Bush Daisy Euryops chrysanthemoides Care Growing Guide

5. Temperature

The resilient nature of this plant means that it can withstand temperatures all the way down to 40 degrees Fahrenheit. In fact, these plants tend to thrive in fairly cool temperatures. A certain amount of warmth is still needed to grow them to maturity and keep them thriving though. 

6. Repotting

When repotting African bush daisies, it is important that you are delicate. Grab the plant by the rootball and gently coax it out of its current container before transferring it to a slightly larger one. You’ll also need to make sure that you fill the new container with fresh, well-draining soil. 

Pack the soil tightly around the plant when putting it in its new container. Then you’ll want to water the plant and place it somewhere that receives direct sunlight.

7. Speed of Growth

These plants grow pretty quickly. Blooming can start in only 50 days.

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8. Height and Spread

These plants can grow up to 5 feet tall and 5 feet wide. Give your mature plants lots of room.

9. Flowers

The African bush daisy produces beautiful yellow flowers, and it blooms until it gets too cold. The bright yellow flowers of this plant contrast nicely against the green foliage. They have a golden color that can add a nice upbeat splash of color to your garden.

10. Trimming

You’ll need to make a point of cutting any withered flowers on your plant right away. Once summer has past, you can cut back the whole plant. This will go a long way towards keeping it healthy and growing strong. If you notice any of the leaves on the plant start to brown, you’ll need to cut them off immediately.

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How to Get African Bush Daisies to Flower

Cutting withered flowers is one of the best ways to ensure that this plant keeps producing more. You can encourage flowering by using a water-soluble fertilizer. You should apply the fertilizer every two weeks or so. This is particularly important if you are growing it in a pot or some other type of container. Also, deadheading is immensely important.

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Common African Bush Dasies’s Diseases

You won’t have to worry about your African bush daisy developing many different diseases. It can, however, become damaged due to gray mold. This mold begins forming in extreme humidity. You can usually avoid this problem altogether by keeping the air circulation good.

Certain pests like aphids as well as whitefly can also harm these plants in a big way. The right insecticidal soap can work wonders when it comes to keeping these pests away, or getting rid of them. It is important that you check these plants for pests on a regular basis. The earlier you spot them, the easier it will be to get the problem under control without much trouble.

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The African bush daisy is a gorgeous plant that needs full sunlight throughout each day to truly thrive and stay healthy. While it is possible to grow it in partial shade, you shouldn’t expect a full bloom. Remember to give the plant lots of water while you are establishing it. 

Once established, this plant only needs about an inch of water on a weekly basis. This plant does well in regions that are warm but not extremely hot. It is incredibly sturdy and can resist cold temperatures very well. Use well-draining soil that has a pH of around 5 for the best results.

The yellow flowers this plant produces are bright and can make turn a drab garden into a much more inviting outdoor space. It blooms from the early summer months to fall. There is a certain amount of trimming required with these plants.

Make sure that you cut off any browning or withered leaves as soon as you notice them. Pests like aphids can be a problem, but the right insecticide can usually get rid of them effectively.

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